I purchased MFJ 259d to check my antennas and line. Of course it only goes up to the 200 mhz range and not the c70. I then also purchased the NS1201A analyzer to check the c70 band which now gives me the total of all bands with the 2 analyzers. So with the 2, I have everyting from resonance, swr, line loss, distance to fault and then some. I recently sold the MFJ259 and replaced it with the nanoVNA H4 which gives me much more than the MFJ and has now become my goto for antennas, cpacitor and inductor measurment and duplexer checking.
Now about antennas.
I tested all the antennas I use at this time and was surprised and disappointed.
The Ed Fong, dual band dipole was Perfect on frequency and swr of 1.4 Fantastic!!
Then I checked the 2 tyt antennas for my portable and both were not resonant on any band my ht was designed for and the swr was 7.1!!
My Baufang ht antenna was right on the money and had a swr of 1.5.
I canned the tyt antennas and bought the hys tactical dual band antenna and it tested perfect and had an swr of 1.5 across the frequency bands. This is now my antenna of choice for my tyt.
My current projects.
1. Build a dual band vertical dipole. Completed and perfect!
2. Build a dual band yagi. In process now Completed!
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